Be Rich: Toms Shoes
A few months ago, Andy Stanley challenged us to think about how we would act toward others if we suddenly discovered that we were really, really rich.
He then helped us realize that we are rich. And, as rich people, we need to learn how to be rich. Consequently, we’ve launched a campaign for this holiday season called, “BE RICH. do more. give more.”
One great way that you can be a part is through an organization that our UpStreet students have already partnered with: Toms Shoes.
Most children in developing countries grow up barefoot. Walking is often their primary mode of transportation. Children walk for miles to get food, water, shelter, and medical help.
Children often have cuts and sores from unsafe roads and contaminated soil. Not only are these injuries painful, they are dangerous when the wounds become infected. The leading cause of disease in developing countries is soil-transmitted parasites, which penetrate the skin through open sores.
Many times children can’t attend school because shoes are a required part of their uniform. If they don’t receive an education, they don’t have the opportunity to realize their potential.
To solve these problems, Toms Shoes distributes shoes to children in developing countries. We think this is simply fantastic, and our UpStreet kids have already raised several hundred dollars to show Christ’s love to their counterparts around the world. Will you join them?
This Sunday, mark your gift, “Toms Shoes” and we’ll see that it goes directly to this organization and the children they provide for..