
A Different Kind of Communion

Some of you were a part of Buckhead Church long before they built a building. Now they are about to move into their new (but surely not their last) building—this Sunday!

Consider joining us Thursday night at 8pm, when Buckhead Church will host an online gathering for prayer and communion. Everyone who feels a connection to this event can come from all over the world to pray together before opening day on May 6. All you will need to do is visit the Buckhead Church web site shortly before 8pm on Thursday, click on the webcast link, and be prepared to participate in communion (have juice and bread handy) and pray with us online. You could do it with a group or by yourself.

Personally, I’ve never done communion like this before, but I’m willing to give it a shot and pray for this amazing next step in the journey that is Buckhead Church.