
Access Volunteer Night

You haven’t been reading this blog for very long if you haven’t caught on that I’m a little bit crazy about the volunteers at Access Church.

They are so varied, so gifted, and so fun! Each has been equipped with unique gifts, and they love to bring them as acts of worship all week long.

Some can sing, and lift up their voices in a way that I can only hope to sound like once I get to heaven. Others are mechanical, and fix broken vehicles with hardly a second thought. Some are amazingly relational and can make middle-schoolers feel comfortable. Others are generous, and give in such a way as to humble and inspire me to be more generous.

A few times each year we try to pull our volunteers all together. Partly because it’s necessary to train and equip for the jobs we have in front of us. But also because we just love being together. It’s a unique group—called to be the church instead of just going to church.

Tomorrow night is one of those times. I can’t wait to hang out with the best volunteers anywhere, share a meal, and gear up for the Fall. See you at the UNF University Center, Tuesday at 6pm! Click here for directions.