Community Groups

At Access the Community Group is the best place for sustained life change to occur. In a Community Group, people study God’s Word together and discuss the issues and challenges of life. It’s also where they pray, care for one another, and are missed if they don’t show up.
Practically speaking, there will never be a way for the staff or elders to personally connect with everyone who attends our church. That’s why we place such a high premium on group life. It’s how we minister effectively at Access.
The way you can get into a Community Group at Access is through an event called GroupLink.
GroupLink is a two-hour event where you will connect with others and form a Community Group. Community Groups are small groups of six married couples or eight individuals of the same gender that meet weekly in someone’s home for fellowship, Bible study, and prayer.
If you would like to take the next step toward joining a Community Group, you can sign up online or at the info table at our next service. We’ll post the dates of our next GroupLink as soon as possible.
The room is divided into sections according to areas of town where the groups will be meeting and/or stage of life. Based on your location preference, go to that section.
Dessert and coffee will be served while you meet others with whom you could potentially be in a group.
After meeting with the other people in your area of town and stage of life, we will form groups. With your new Community Group, you will watch a short video and spend some time getting to know each other.
Childcare is not provided, but we do reimburse (at a predetermined rate) for babysitters needed in order to attend the GroupLink event. Childcare reimbursement forms are provided at GroupLink, or you can fill out the form in the area below.
You go to GroupLink, a two-hour event, to join a community group. Community Groups are small groups of six married couples or eight individuals of the same gender who meet weekly in someone’s home for to share life, study the Bible, pray, and care for one another.
If you cannot make it to an upcoming GroupLink, please contact Rich.

Strategic ServiceStrategic service is placing our heart and hands in the place of greatest demand. By choosing to join an Access Strategic Service Team, you are becoming a vital part of leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. The hard work of the volunteers at Access Church each week make what we do possible. There are a variety of ways you can get plugged into the mission! Please watch this video and then signup to get started.

We're thrilled that you've chosen to be part of group life at Access Church! In an effort to help you make this a priority in your life, our church will reimburse couples for whom weekly paid childcare is difficult.
Please fill out this form in its entirety and give us 2-3 weeks to process the form and mail a check out to you. (For accounting purposes, each form must be submitted within 30 days of the event.)