An Incredible Opportunity!
A small group of visionaries in Atlanta are so excited about what’s going on at Access Church that they have offered to help us reach our destination. And they’ve offered this help in the form of a financial gift, where they will match, dollar-for-dollar, any visionary giving (marked “RoadMap”) that we receive between now and December 31, 2007.
All they ask in return is that once we are financially independent, we help start other partnerships.
Such a deal!
That means that if you choose to support the strategies of this church, if you choose to help us create these environments, if you help us follow this RoadMap—then a group of people that live 400 miles away will join you in that mission!
Isn’t that amazing? These are families just like you and I with lots of other things they could do with their money, but they are so excited about what’s ahead for Access Church that they want to invest their money here. They are surrendering their finances to see what God will do!
Here’s where it gets even more exciting:
On October 21, we announced that our goal is to raise $300,000 from attenders and friends of Access Church by December 31, 2007. Some of you gasped! But we have a great vision for what God can do in Jacksonville and we want to be right there on the front lines! We know what it will take to hire the right staff, rent the right facilities, and create the right environments.
And we don’t want you to miss out on the opportunity to be a part of this! We want you, like us, to look back on this in five years, or twenty, and say, “God used me in that circumstance. I wasn’t sure I could afford it. I wasn’t sure we’d make it. But, we opened our hands to God and he did something amazing!”
Stephanie and I and the rest of our staff were the first to make financial commitments to this campaign. Why?
- Because our middle and high school students need a youth pastor who is committed to working with their parents to help them navigate the waters of adolescence
- Because we want to create a shared learning experience for elementary students and their parents, and we need to do that right
- Because we really believe that life change happens when we sit around the kitchen table and look each other in the eyes and love, encourage, and challenge one another
- Because moms & dads need to be empowered to teach their children about God
- Because singles need to be in healthy relationships with other singles.
- Because your neighbors, your friends at work, your mom, your son, your brother-in-law, your son’s coach, your best friend, your spouse… needs to know that Jesus is real and can make a difference in their lives—now and for eternity
- Because we believe heaven and hell are real places. We really believe that Jesus rose from the dead, and the God who made us wants to have a relationship with us that lasts forever. And we believe everyone ought to know that. We believe the church is God’s only plan. And we believe a church that is loving God and loving people, with a clear, obvious strategy, will be irresistible
- Because Jesus Christ left us with a mission, a destination. And we are the stewards of a proven RoadMap
So, how ’bout it? Are you in?
We’ve already received commitments of $160,635 toward our goal. Please fill out a card this week and let us know your 2007 commitment. Or, you can email, call, or give online!