Are You At Home?
Stephanie and I moved to Jacksonville with no family here and no long-standing friendships. And now, two-and-a-half-years later, we call this town home. No question about it.
That’s because of what God’s done in our hearts through Access Church, and more specifically, through our community group.
Community Groups are the heartbeat of Access Church. You see, we believe that no matter how big a church gets, it can still stay “small” in the most important ways if we gather around the kitchen table, look each other in the eye, and do life together.
Doing life alone is no fun, and it’s not healthy.
Your chance to get into a group is right around the corner! Our next GroupLink is scheduled for Sunday afternoon, March 22.
You might be feeling a little awkward about GroupLink. I can’t promise that you’re not going to have a moment on Sunday afternoon when you feel a little bit like a middle-schooler. But, it’s worth it! I promise!
Being in a group is essential. If you’re single, it keeps you grounded, keeps you connected to others who “get it,” and who understand the joys and frustrations of your stage of life. If you’re married, it’s a healthy chance for you and your spouse to talk through life with other couples and learn from each other.
If you’re a skeptic, it could be a great chance for you to ask more questions and to hear the questions believers ask behind closed doors. If you’re a believer, it’s a chance to study God’s word and really go deep—in application as well as increased knowledge.
Isn’t it time to have a place to call home?
Click here to register now and get directions.
March 22, 4:30pm. See you there!.