Barrett Health Update
Hey guys, I just wanted to update our church family and say thank you, once again, for your amazing demonstration of love and support.
Health: We can see the light at the end of the tunnel! I have two more chemo treatments over the next four weeks, and then I should be done. I’ll get a PET scan to make sure the cancer has been eradicated, but we’re pretty optimistic right now, based on my last PET scan. We are looking forward to being done with chemo! Also, my pulmonary complication seems to be getting better. I’ll have a PFT on April 9 to know for sure. Thank you so much for all of your prayers!!
Finances: You (and hundreds of old friends on Facebook) have rallied together and given $19,738 toward our goal of $20,000!! We are blown away by your generosity and so grateful that you would entrust us with your hard-earned money. Your gracious gifts will cover our out-of-pocket expenses for 2012 and 2013. I cannot even tell you what a big deal this is to Stephanie and I. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Prayer: The next chapter for us seems to be figuring out how to love & support Stephanie’s father (Steve), who was just diagnosed with lung cancer. We’d love to have you join us in praying for him!
Thank you so much. It’s been amazing to see how many people have rallied from so many different chapters in our lives. God has truly blessed us with an amazing church, and we are grateful for every one of you.
(for Stephanie and the kids)