Better When We're Together
Many of our groups that began in November are now nearing the end of their “trial period,” and moving to the next stage of group life. Here’s a report from Adam Flynt, as he reported on Orange Families:
Jack Johnson got it right when he sang, “It’s always better when we’re together.”
It may not be easier. It may not be quieter. It may not be simpler. It may not be calmer. But it’s always better when we’re together. That’s the growing feeling each time we’re with our community group.
One of the hardest things about leaving our last church to come to help launch Access was leaving a group of friends that we had prayed with, vacationed with, suffered with, asked questions with, laughed with, mourned with, ate and ate and ate with. It was painful to leave them and we felt like we were loners for a few months without them.
But in the last two months we have connected with a group of other couples. Each time we’ve gotten together a couple has shared their stories. It has been amazing. I’m blown away each time by how unique one story is from the next, and how all our lives have so many themes in common. Last week the guys grabbed lunch together. We’ve already gotten to take one couple a meal after their having a baby. One couple is struggling through a job layoff. One couple still has a house for sale in Atlanta. And we’re still getting to know each other. But I can’t help feel like “it’s always better when we’re together.”
Our two month “dating period” as a group is coming to an end next week and we’re meeting to talk about how to go forward. I’m excited about continuing together. I need these kind of friends. Our marriage needs these kind of friends. Our kids need us to have these kinds of friends. I’ve gotten to the point that I don’t think I can do life alone anymore- one thing is for sure, though, is that I know I don’t want to do it alone any more.
Thoughts on being connected to others? Is it better together for you?