Blogs of Note
Since you’re kind enough to check in here and read what we have to say, we thought you might appreciate some of these other voices in the blogosphere as well:—Maintained by our very own Adam Flynt, this is the place to go to stay up to speed on family ministry at Access Church. Great applications here for teaching your kids about God!
Buckhead Church—Jeff Henderson and his team share stories and events in the life of Buckhead Church.
The Relevant Monk—Stephanie Barrett shares some of her thoughts on the journey to becoming a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ.
First, Do No Harm—Scott Tanksley is a veteran of the campus expansion team at North Point, and has provided invaluable advice to our team in Jacksonville over the past couple of years. Here, he posts some thoughts on the church & society today.
Connexus Community Church—A new partnership in Canada that emerged from an existing church. A great unfolding story of 80 families starting a new way of doing church in the great white north!
What did I miss? Post a note with a link to your favorite blog!