Access Church launches a new series on April 6, and it’s pretty awesome. In fact, some have said it includes (no giving it away, folks!) the greatest “Aha!” moment in North Point history. Wow!
Here’s the premise:
We live in a world created by God and designed to reflect His glory. Everything, including our lives, are tapestries created by him. He is working on the canvas of our lives so we can bring glory to Him. That is our sole purpose here on earth.
But instead of following his agenda, we have followed our own. We have rebelled, walked away, and selfishly tried to claim his glory for ourselves. It’s not working out so well for us.
In spite of our choice, he leveraged our sin for his glory by sending his Son to die for our sins. Every time we call him Father, it is a reminder of his immeasurable greatness and our immeasurable gain. Everything that happens to us in life, whether good or bad, is for his glory.
I’ve included a little teaser video below. You don’t want to miss Andy Stanley and Louie Giglio as they remind us that one day every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the Glory of the Father! See you April 6 at 9:30 or 11:15am!