Do Numbers Matter?
The last Sunday at Access Church was amazing! Attendance was 18% over normal and we all felt the increased energy in the halls! But it raises conflicted emotions in us, and we wrestle with the question, “Do numbers matter?”
Here is why numbers don’t matter:
- They don’t signify life change. We didn’t start this church so Christians could “church-hop” to a more hip worship environment.
- It’s just the foyer. We measure success in the kitchen.
Here is why numbers do matter:
- It shows that attenders are investing and inviting. Their friends are inviting. Even those who disagree with us are inviting. There is an excitement spreading about Access Church!
- Let’s be honest. We didn’t sacrifice all this time, money, relational capital and spiritual energy just to start another church. We want to see God revolutionize the city of Jacksonville! It’s cool to see the beginnings of that.
We’re going to keep both perspectives in balance as we celebrate what God is doing. Accessibles, keep inviting!