Doing Life Together
Sometimes folks ask me what we do on the Sundays we don’t “have church” at Access. My short answer is that we are busy “being the church.” More on that in some posts next week, about some great things we’ve got planned for our “off” Sundays this summer.
But tonight I wanted to show you an example of that. To the right is a picture of five couples who didn’t even know each other six months ago. Here we are, this weekend, on a community group getaway with our kids, sharing lots of laughs and doing life together.
Along the way, there are conversations about parenting, passages of the Bible, marriage, and about…well, life. Not scripted or rehearsed—just happening.
This is just one way that we are the church all week long, and not just on Sundays.
What are some ways that you are being the church and not just going to church? Comments welcome!