DRIVE Update – Day 1
The other day I mentioned that it’s not our desire to be like North Point. We are North Point. It’s our DNA. Just like you might have gotten your bright blue eyes from your dad, the kind of church that Access is becoming is a direct result of our lineage.
So today was a bit of a family reunion. A big one.
325 folks from 13 Strategic Partners. Another 2,025 church leaders from around the world. All here to focus our churches on being Jesus to our communities, reaching people instead of worrying about keeping them, and leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
Personally, it was awesome to connect with so many people that helped give birth to Access—men & women that continue to speak wisdom into my life today. It was nice to spend some time with Drew, my best friend of more than 22 years. It was fun to hang out late tonight with a bunch of bloggers like Carlos and Pete.
But I can’t begin to describe how significant our worship session was this evening. Communion was incredible—just because of what Jesus was saying to me through it. His love is amazing, and the fact that he knows us so completely and loves us so much is amazing. Do you really believe that God is crazy about you? That is love for you is a wild, untamed desire for relationship with you? Sometimes I think God just tolerates me in spite of my flaws, but in tonight’s worship He reminded me that he loves me—and that’s pretty amazing!
Here’s a little taste: