Our focus is not the people who are here, it’s the people who aren’t here yet.


Strategic Service

Serving is a great way to give back, form relationships, and further the mission of the church. We have all kinds of teams and roles for every personality. Not available very often? Consider a team like Guest Services or Adult Worship Production, where you can serve as little as once a month.

To begin:


Our Community Groups form the basis of genuine and authentic relationships in the church. Learn more about the next GroupLink by visiting our Adults Page.


Please pray for the staff and elders as they lead Access. Ask for wisdom, courage, and protection as they seek the best strategies to lead people in St. Johns into growing relationships with Jesus Christ.


When we give back to God through our local church, we’re stretching our faith in a very tangible way. It’s how we demonstrate our dependence on him and invite him into our personal finances. It’s also how we reach our city with the great news of forgiveness! Start by determining a priority percentage that you will give back every month. If you’re already doing that, consider increasing that percentage. We cannot accomplish our mission without you!


God has given you strategic opportunities to bring hope to the world around you—in your family, your neighborhood, your workplace, and your friendships. Begin by praying for those you know who don’t have a growing relationship with God. Rearrange your calendar to invest in those relationships, and be bold enough to invite them to Access Church.