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Kids Resources – September 20, 2020
The life app in UpStreet for September is Friendship. In Waumba Land, preschoolers will be learning that God Has A Plan For Me! Here are this week's resources to help...
Kids Resources – September 27, 2020
The life app in UpStreet for September is Friendship. In Waumba Land, preschoolers will be learning that God Has A Plan For Me! Here are this week's resources to help...
Kids Resources – October 4, 2020
The life app in UpStreet for October is INTEGRITY. In Waumba Land, preschoolers will be learning that God Loves Me! Here are this week's resources to help your kids stay...
Kids Resources – October 11, 2020
The life app in UpStreet for October is INTEGRITY. In Waumba Land, preschoolers will be learning that God Loves Me! Here are this week's resources to help your kids stay...
Student Resources – October 11, 2020
We hope you and your family are doing well. If we can help you or be praying for something particular, please reach out to your student’s small-group leader or Justin....
Kids Resources – October 18, 2020
The life app in UpStreet for October is INTEGRITY. In Waumba Land, preschoolers will be learning that God Loves Me! Here are this week's resources to help your kids stay...
Student Resources – October 18, 2020
We hope you and your family are doing well. If we can help you or be praying for something particular, please reach out to your student’s small-group leader or Justin....
Student Resources – October 25, 2020
We hope you and your family are doing well. If we can help you or be praying for something particular, please reach out to your student’s small-group leader or Justin....
Kids Resources – November 1, 2020
The life app in UpStreet for November is GRATITUDE. In Waumba Land, preschoolers will be learning that God Made Me! Here are this week's resources to help your kids stay...
Student Resources – November 1, 2020
We hope you and your family are doing well. If we can help you or be praying for something particular, please reach out to your student’s small-group leader or Justin....