Gas Money
For the last month at Access Church, we’ve been talking about all the cool environments that we plan to launch in the next year or so here in Jacksonville. We’ve used the metaphor of a road trip—we know where we’re going, we have a clear strategy for getting there, and we have some great people on board. We’d love to have you join us!
But we need you to kick in for gas money! 🙂
Access Church depends on two types of giving for our ministry:
- Regular Giving
- Visionary Giving
Regular Giving
Regular giving is from that part of us that says, “Everything I have is from God, so I’m going to regularly give back to him by prioritizing a percentage of my income for my local church.” We believe this is a Biblical practice for believers to give their first-fruits to God. Regular giving is generally received by mail or Sunday offering.
Visionary Giving
When the dream for Access Church was born, we knew it would cost more to operate than we would initially receive in offerings. We knew from creating these environments in 17 other cities that it would cost about $40,000 each month to operate, and that regular offerings we receive by mail or in the worship services would not cover those expenses for the first 18-24 months.
That’s when a committed group of about eight families right here in Jacksonville said, “We’ll help make up the difference.” Isn’t that amazing? Up to now those individuals have given about $235,000 to see Access Church develop into what we are today. We call that giving visionary giving, and we are so grateful for those who are excited about our destination, and our RoadMap, who have made this investment.
Visionary giving is when you see something exciting happening and you say, “I want to be a part of that. I want to help make that happen.” In a very real sense, it is venture capitalthat pays amazing dividends! Visionary giving allows us to go further, faster.
Jump In
If you’re a regular attender and you’ve been coming to Access for a while, the time may have come for you to begin giving a regular percentage of your income to Access Church. And if you’d like to be a part of the “over-and-above” visionary giving, we’re not ashamed to say that this is a great place to invest your hard-earned dollars.
The road ahead is exciting. We’d love to have you along for the ride!
If you have any questions whatsoever about the finances at Access Church, please feel free to shoot me an email! I’d love to have the conversation! Online gifts can now be made at