
Jeremy and Jodie Miller

Jeremy and Jodie met and began dating while attending the University of Georgia. When Jodie graduated in 2002, she moved to the Buckhead community in Atlanta, the location of Buckhead Church, a campus of North Point Ministries.

Jodie’s sister was familiar with Buckhead Church and encouraged Jodie to give it a try.

“I started going to Buckhead to see what it was all about,” Jodie said. “The worship and music drew me. I also enjoyed Andy’s messages and how they applied to everyday life.”

The following year, Jeremy’s job took him to Jacksonville, but he visited Jodie on the weekends, and they attended Buckhead Church together. Jeremy grew up in a traditional church that used hymnals, an organ, and a choir for worship. Buckhead Church was a much different experience.

“Going to Buckhead at first was a shock,” he said. “The atmosphere, attire, music—everything was a stark difference from what I was used to.”

It took Jeremy some time to adjust, but he came to appreciate the environment at Buckhead Church.

“The message and the people made the difference,” he said. “Andy can connect in a relevant way. And I realized that church music could be the same genre as the music I listened to on a regular basis.”

In 2006 Jeremy and Jodie were married and settled in Jacksonville. They began looking for a church. “We were hopping around churches, not really connecting or feeling fulfilled,” Jodie said.

Later that year, Jeremy and Jodie learned that a North Point partnership church was starting in Jacksonville, and they were at Access Church on opening day, March 4, 2007.

“We’ve been there since Day One, and we’ve never looked back,” Jeremy said.

“There was an instant connection,” Jodie said. “Everything came back—the worship, the message, the people.”

Jeremy and Jodie spend a lot of time traveling, but that doesn’t stop them from serving on the Host Team at Access. They are also UpStreet substitute leaders and small-group leaders.

“Serving could be really tough for us,” Jeremy said. “We don’t have a set schedule we can commit to. We love that they accommodate us and allow us to serve on an impromptu basis when needs arise.”

Serving at Access has allowed Jeremy and Jodie to build relationships with others by working side-by-side with them. It also has helped them recognize visitors at Access. “We see the growth of the church, and it’s exciting,” Jodie said.

The couple encourages others to serve. “No matter your personality or talents, we can accommodate whatever time you’re willing to give back to the church,” Jeremy said. “It’s everyone’s responsibility to help further the mission of the church.”

And Jeremy and Jodie strongly believe in the mission of Access. “Access has so much to offer,” said Jodie.

“We have a modern, laid-back, fun atmosphere,” said Jeremy. “People appreciate the atmosphere, which makes it easier to be a beacon of light for God. We can really put our footprint in Jacksonville by impacting the younger generation.