Join the Team

Team members who love Jesus and are skilled at multiplying their leadership.

Employment Opportunities

Staff at Access

Located in St. Johns, Florida, Access Church exists to lead everyone in our community to discover their ultimate purpose in life: to know God and to make him known. To achieve this purpose, we engage talented volunteers to create environments that encourage a growing faith, authentic community, and lasting purpose. Our goal is to inspire an entire community to follow Jesus.

Our staff play a critical role in leading these teams of volunteers. Each staff member is charged with recruiting, training, equipping, inspiring, and encouraging volunteers. So, we’re always looking for team members who love Jesus and are skilled at multiplying their leadership.

If you think you might be such an individual, we’d love to have you! Along the way, we will invest in developing your leadership abilities and helping you become the leader of teams that effective ministry requires. You’ll also enjoy the camaraderie that comes from being on a team with clear mission, vision, and values. We know exactly the kind of faith community that we are trying to build and we’re passionate about the need for such a church in our world.

Current Openings

Below are current job openings, and link to apply online. We hope to meet you soon!

Student Ministry Director

Effectively inspire and equip students in grades 6-12 to develop a lasting faith of their own.

View and Apply Here

UpStreet Production Director

Help kids have fun discovering how God’s Word applies to their lives and how his truth is really the best way to live.

Download the job description here.