Measuring Success
What’s the best way for a church to measure success?
Hint: It’s not attendance, or offering, or buildings. It’s not even community service.
It’s life change.
And at Access, we really do believe that a small group is the best, most effective place for sustained life change to occur. We gauge our success by how effectively we help people move from our large environments into small groups. The most important number we track is not attendance, or giving, but the percentage of our adults in community groups.
Access Church hosted our very first GroupLink last Sunday. What an encouraging day this was for us! We saw 45% of our church plug in to community groups. Wow! We are so excited to see our church moving along the RoadMap with such a clear picture of where we’re going and how we’re going to get there. We are blown away by the stories we hear every week of life change and how God is allowing us to be a small part of something so big.
For those of you who came to GroupLink and took the risk: Thank You! You won’t regret it.
Our next GroupLink will be in February.