Michele Whetstone – The Impact of Group Life
As the gurney glides down the hospital hallway, the fluorescent lights lining the ceiling are the only visual. In this moment, every ounce of independence that has been built is called in to question. Feelings of fear and loss of control become the leading actors in this scenario. Many individuals can relate to the reality of an emergency-room visit or hospital stay. We are required to put our health and wellbeing into the hands of others. We must depend on help for our most basic needs. It can be unsettling, but it can also be a wonderful opportunity to see God’s truth that we were NEVER meant to do life alone.
Michele Whetstone knows this story well because this has been her life for the past few weeks. November 23, 2015, marked the day she was forced to relent to the fact that her body was sick and she was entering a fight for her life. She credits her phenomenal healthcare providers with diagnosing her Bacterial Meningitis and helping to heal her body, but she also includes her loved ones and her Access Community Group members in her list of “lifesavers.”
Michele has been attending Access Church for three years. She is currently part of a Community Group consisting of married couples and singles. Before her illness, she enjoyed the group’s weekly meetings, an additional Bible study with members from the group, backyard barbeques, and the advice she received regarding life and parenting.
During her month-long hospital and rehabilitation stay, Michele was overwhelmed by the love and support she saw from her Community Group. “They sat with me in the hospital so I didn’t have to endure procedures alone,” she shared. Members of her group also communicated updates with her family and friends and delivered food and groceries to her parents as they cared for her teenage son, Alex. Michele is also full of gratitude toward Rich Barrett. “He came to see me in the hospital and prayed with me,” she said. “The nurses were all amazed at the way I was being prayed for and supported.”
Michele’s answer comes quickly when asked about why she loves Community Groups so much. “In life, we want to be known,” she said. “At Access Church, you are known. These are the people in life who have your back!”
Michele is home and continuing to heal. Even though her hospital ordeal is behind her, she still has the support and love of her group. “This experience has taught me that it is alright to be dependent on others,” she said. “I don’t always have to be so independent. I now know that I can trust others completely.”
If you’re ready to join a Community Group at Access Church, now is a great time! Join us at our GroupLink event Sunday, January 24, at 4:30pm. Learn more about this event on our Adults page.