Mission, Part 1
What is the goal of Access Church? Well, we exist to lead people into growing relationships with Jesus Christ. But, what is a growing relationship?
We believe that a person who is growing in their relationship with Jesus Christ is someone who is pursuing intimacy with God, community with insiders, and influence with outsiders.
Intimacy with God includes regular private and corporate worship experiences as well as allowing the truth of the Bible to change how you live.
There are other ways to talk about these vital relationships. In our family, we make it very simple for our children—”Love God. Love People.” And in some of my emails I use the signature, “to know Him and to make Him known,” which was emblazoned on the walls of my college chapel.
No matter how you say it, it begins with intimacy with God. We believe God designed us with an innate desire to know and worship him, and that we are not fulfilled as human beings until we’re doing that.
But don’t think that worshipping God is just about singing songs. It’s acknowledging who God is and what he has done for us. That acknowledgment takes the form of prayer, singing, and reading the Bible that he inspired. It’s also serving Him, giving back from our financial resources, and telling others about him. This is all part of what we mean when we talk about being a 24/7 worshipper. It’s a mindset that involves being constantly aware of his goodness toward us, and having an ongoing dialog with his Spirit that resides in us.
Here are some chapters from the Bible you may want to read to inspire your worship this week:
Ps 100, “Worship the LORD with gladness…we are his people.”
Is 26, “LORD…your name and renown are the desire of our hearts.”
Ps 33, “In him our hearts rejoice.”
Have a great week, and enjoy the privilege you have to approach the throne of the Almighty God!