New JohnnySwim CD
Evidently I’m the last guy on the block to blog about this. Two of our very-awesome Access worship leaders, Abner Ramirez & Amanda Sudano, have released a new album!
We love these two for so many reasons. First, because they really love God and desire to lead us in giving him the worship he deserves. Second, because they are so easy and fun to work with. Every week they are at Access is a special week. Our whole production team loves to see them walk in. Third, we’ve shared some great moments. Anyone remember Easter? And lastly, they are ridiculously talented. I mean, crazy-stupid-how-can-you-sing-like-that talented!
They’ll be at Access Church again on September 7. Hopefully they’ll bring some of the new CDs with them so we can enjoy their sound all week long.
See their JohnnySwim web site.