New Series from Louie Giglio
Last night was simply amazing. Danny Dukes led us in an amazing and rockin’ worship set, and Andy Stanley wrapped up The Legend of Joe Jacobson.
We only have two more Sundays (August 5 & 19) of evening services before we shift to two morning services. And just in time! You guys are doing such a great job of inviting your friends that we need to add another service to create more room!
In August we’ll have a special treat: Louie Giglio delivering his stirring message, Indescribable. You won’t want to miss it!
Have you noticed? The heavens are telling the glory of God, and their expanse declares the work of His hands. Night after night they remind us of just how small we are, and how huge God is.
Looking out into the far reaches of the Universe, we find a seemingly infinite expanse of mystery and wonder, intricately fashioned by a God of unfathomable size and power. Just a glimpse of one of the billions of visible galaxies He has formed, resizes us, shrinking us, and the world we call home, to seeming insignificance in an instant. But as tiny as we may seem, the God who knows every star by name also knows yours and mine. And, in the most stunning rescue imaginable, God sent His Son to this spinning planet we call home–the Creator reconnecting us to Himself with life that never ends.
Can’t wait to see you on August 5!