No-Church Sunday!
Access Church will not meet Sunday, March 27. Instead, we will be taking time to hang out with friends, neighbors, family, and co-workers.
We’re going to build relationships that reflect the love of God. In other words, we’re going to be the church instead of just going to church. Don’t worry though, we’ll be back to our weekly schedule on April 3!
Sunday, April 3—Asking Big
Join us Sunday, April 3, for a new message, “Asking Big,” by Andy Stanley. We all know that we should pray, but what exactly should we be praying for? What is it that God wants us to pray for?
The disciples pulled Jesus aside and asked him this very question. And his answer may surprise you. In fact, when you compare your prayers to what Jesus had to say, you may find that you’ve come to emphasize the wrong things. It could be that your prayers are too small.
See you April 3 at Access Church!