Point of Decision
This week at Access Church, Andy Stanley will begin a challenging new three-part series called, “Verdict.”
If you have ever doubted the authenticity of the Bible, or wondered if Jesus was a real person, this series is for you!
If you’ve questioned how much of “real” Christianity has survived the past 2,000 years, you’ll resonate with the questions raised in this debate.
We start with a courtroom scene, where the notion that Jesus Christ was really the Son of God is on trial. We will address questions like:
- Are all religions valid approaches to God?
- Is it reasonable to hold moral or theological absolutes?
- Does “Sunday School” faith hold true in a grown-up world?
- Did Jesus Christ really come from God, speak on God’s behalf, and die for the sins of the world?
- Is Christianity a “crutch”?
- Is this faith really narrow-minded and divisive?
This series examines the evidence that has led so many to accept the Bible as a credible record of actual events. You are the jury. Come September 16, and decide for yourself!
Services are at 9:30am (concurrent pre-school programming) and 11:15am (concurrent programming through Grade 5).