Shake It Off
On January 11, the Access band is going to open with a fun and familiar tune—and you get to be a part of it!!
Here’s how it’s going to work:
- Make an epic lip-sync video to Taylor Swift’s, “Shake it Off.” You can record the video by yourself, or gather the craziest group of friends, co-workers, and family that will join in with you. Have fun! Just be, umm, Sunday-morning appropriate.
- Upload the video to YouTube, and title it, “Access 2014 Shake it Off Lip-Sync.”
- Tweet a link to your video and use the hashtags #accesschurch #shakeitoff, or post your video on Facebook and tag your friends, as well as Access Church.
All the videos must be uploaded by 11:59pm on Wednesday, January 7. Then, we will edit all the videos together and play them on the big screen while our band performs “Shake It Off” live on Sunday, January 11. You’ll want to invite your friends for that!!
Ready? Okay, here’s the link to Taylor’s video: