Starting Point Orientation
I have heard a number of people ask the question, “What’s next?” or say, “So, I come to Access every other Sunday and listen to a great message and experience great worship, but how is this going to get deeper?”
Well, success at Access Church is defined by how effectively our ministries move people from our large environments into small groups. We believe that the small group is the best place for sustained life change to occur—it’s our “kitchen” environment. To work toward that goal, over the next few months we’ll launch a number of new environments to begin assimilating people into Community Groups.
Starting Point is one of those environments. It’s a 10-week small group environment for those seeking or starting a relationship with God. It includes a small-group discussion where you can ask any question or voice any opinion about God, the Bible, or faith, without being forced to change or to believe anything. It’s for people who are investigating Jesus and the Bible, for those who are new to a relationship with Jesus Christ, or for those who have some church experience, but have been away for a while.
On May 20th, immediately following our 6:00pm service, we’ll hold our first Starting Point orientation. At the orientation, you will hear all about Starting Point. You’ll have the opportunity to ask questions and to sign up for a group, and you’ll find out where to purchase your materials. There is no commitment when you come to the orientation and we will only meet for about 15 minutes.
If you want more information, visit, stop by our information table, or email
We look forward to seeing you on May 20th.