
Summer Giving Opportunity

This summer brings a great opportunity for you to really make a difference at Access Church.

We’re so excited that 22 of you who have not been giving regularly have decided to jump IN with your finances!

Here’s the opportunity:

The Access family gave in very strong ways through the spring. But, May was pretty rough.

Our year-to-date giving total is now about $14,000 below what we have budgeted. As a result, our cash reserve is dangerously low.

Heading into the summer with a low cash reserve is pretty risky. We understand that it’s easy to forget about giving during the summer months, but if that were to happen with the Access family, the results could be severe—even meaning that our staff would be left unpaid.

Here’s why we’re not panicked:

First, this church is God’s—it’s been his idea from the beginning, and we’re confident of our future in Him.

Second, we’re excited about all that fall will bring! An every-Sunday schedule will increase our momentum and double the opportunities we have to invite more of our friends, family, and classmates to Access Church.

Third, more and more of you are joining the mission all the time, and those of you who’ve jumped “IN” represent about a 40% increase in the number of priority-percentage givers at Access Church. That is so encouraging!

Here’s what you can do today to help with this situation:

1. Go to this page on our web site to set up a recurring, automatic gift to Access Church. Giving on a weekly or monthly basis really helps add consistency to our budget. Or, if you prefer, you can use your own bank’s online bill payment system.

2. Consider a retroactive gift to help cover the shortfall in May. You can send it in this week or drop it in the bucket on Sunday.

I can’t possibly tell you in words how encouraging your generosity is to this ministry! There is no way we could do this without you! Thank you.