Taking Our Pulse, Part 3
I began this series a few weeks ago by talking about the four questions we ask when taking the pulse of Access Church. The first relates to prayer–submitting our hearts to God. The second relates to giving–submitting our money to God.
Ask these questions with me:
- Do we understand that all we have comes from God and belongs to him?
- Do we give back a priority percentage every month?
- Are we willing to increase that percentage as we mature in our faith?
Access launched in March 2007 with only eight families backing the organization financially. It sounds crazy, but we have been called to create a new kind of church in Jacksonville and are crazy-passionate about that task.
By our two-year anniversary, that number had grown to 80 families, and today more than 100 families regularly give to create the environments of Access Church. We are so grateful to be part of a generous church!
A year ago, we were still dependent upon North Point Ministries for our financial survival. Access attenders now cover 85% of our monthly expenses, and a handful of visionary givers bridge the gap while we’re growing.
Access is growing more generous every month! Even in this difficult financial climate, our monthly giving has steadily risen since we launched. Our hope is that by year-end local giving will meet our monthly expenses!
Of course, our generosity won’t stop there. We’ve got great hopes for increasing our commitment to local and overseas ministries who are sharing God’s love in similar ways. You’ll be hearing more about that very soon.
Thanks for being the kind of church I love being a part of!.