Thank You
Dear Accessibles,
I am so grateful for you.
Grateful for the 15 people that began by praying together on Sunday evenings. You had no staff, no backing from North Point, no certainty of the future. Still, you met month after month to pray and ask God to do something amazing in our city. Thank you for building this church on prayer.
Grateful that the vision for creating a church that unchurched people would love to attend has spread to so many others. Grateful that there are people that pray for out church that we’ve not even met yet!!
Thank you for recognizing that this vision would require tangible resources. Thank you for prioritizing a percentage of your income every month and giving that back to God for his glory here in Jacksonville. I am so thankful for those who call Access Church home and support us financially. And I’m amazed at how many of you give to our vision even though you don’t attend Access! Thank you for helping us go further, faster!
Each week I’m blown away by our amazing volunteer leaders. You lead others into growing relationships with Jesus Christ with passion and you have FUN doing it! Your enthusiasm is contagious and others love to work beside you.
Thank you for serving others with your time and your energy. We could never do this without you. You have no idea how fun it is to watch God work through you.
You have leveraged your relational influence at work, in your neighborhood, with your family, and among friends. You’ve shared your excitement with them, and they’ve gotten excited, too! Thank you for inviting others to be a part of what God is doing through Access Church.
Thank you for praying, giving, serving, and inviting.
I can’t wait to see you Sunday!