I love this day. I’m a sucker for big meals, parades, and tradition.
I’m also so aware today of how gracious God has been to us over the last year. It was just a year ago that we moved to Jacksonville, and in the last year he has brought us into so many great friendships with new people in this city, as well as preserving our dear friendships from Ohio. He led us to a home where there have been awesome opportunities to connect with neighbors and for our kids to have cool playmates. I’ve even had many more opportunities to waterski this year than I thought I would!
But, above all, He has given us a great staff and incredible volunteers at Access Church. So many at Access have instinctively understood our mission and jumped in to help in these encouraging ways:
- Prayer. I love it when someone stops me and asks how they can pray for Access or lets me know that Access is a regular part of their conversations with God. We have to remember, every day, that what we are doing is dependent on Him, not on us. Pray for those working hard, and pray for those we’re working hard to reach.
- Giving. What we’re doing is expensive, and many of us have made financial sacrifices. The ways in which many of you have risen to this challenge have brought Stephanie and I to tears on many occasions. Thank you for really believing that your finances belong to God!
- Serving. We pray very specifically when we have volunteer openings, and repeatedly God has answered our prayers with exactly who we needed for that position. We simply could not do this alone, and to be surrounded by so many who are so sharp is humbling and exciting.
- Inviting. We began this church not for ourselves, but for our friends that need predictable, excellent environments in which they can ask questions about God and his love for them. Thanks for risking your relational credibility and inviting friends and family to Access Church. Many of our current volunteers are a result of your invitations.
Join us today in giving thanks for everything God has done in your life, including Access Church!