The Crossing Church
We can’t reach all of Jacksonville on our own. We need help. So, it’s great news that a group of people in Julington Creek are rallying to create environments very much like Access Church—where those who feel disconnected from traditional church can ask questions about relating to God.
However, it is with mixed emotions that we announce Adam & Kristen Flynt will be leading this new church. Adam & Kristen have led the family ministry at Access Church for the past four years, and become dear friends and colleagues. We are sad to see them go.
God has clearly been preparing the Flynt family for this next step. They are well-gifted in leadership and Adam, who will be the lead pastor and primary communicator at The Crossing Church, is a strong teacher.
We love the Flynts and hate to see them go. At the same time, we’re excited for the Flynts, for Julington Creek, and for Access Church. We now have one more church partnering with us to reach the thousands in North Florida who have yet to discover a personal relationship with Jesus Christ!
Please take a moment to watch this video of Adam & Rich Barrett discussing how this came about and what it will look like in the months to come. Then, be sure to join us on Sunday, June 5, as we take a few minutes in the service to honor the Flynts, thank them for all they’ve done at Access, and commission them in this next step in ministry.