The Other Eyes Under the Bunk Bed
If you enjoy Andy Stanley and Louie Giglio as they teach at Access Church, you’ll enjoy this conversation over at the Passion Podcast where they discuss their long-standing friendship, their passion for the local church, and the questions they both get about Louie planting a church in Atlanta.
Louie says, “I won’t spoil the whole story, but needless to say, my friend Andy and I found friendship out of necessity, but love each other by choice. From Jr. High days to now pastoring churches in the same city, it’s been quite a ride. This past week Andy [Stanley] and I sat down to talk about our paths, our city and the state of the local church. As you know, Andy leads all of North Point Ministries, is an amazing author/speaker/teacher/visionary…and is the best leader I know.
Join me with my special guest and friend for the next few episodes of The Passion Podcast, the first of which is available now. If nothing else, you’ll be encouraged that if God could use us, anything is possible!”.