The Ride of Your Life
We asked the question, “Are you IN?”
And 17 of you, who have not previously served, said, “YES!”
That’s ridiculously encouraging!
You’ve increased our volunteer force by 20%!
You are equipping us to begin the fall healthy and strong!
You have become a part of something bigger than yourself—something that God wants to do in this city. You will create environments that are irresistible. You will make it possible for your friends, family members, and co-workers to experience God in a new way. And when God starts using you like that, well…it’s a rush!
This summer we’re going to buckle our seatbelts. We’re going to position you, train you, and prepare you. You might be a little nervous. But we’re going to make sure you’re ready.
This summer, you’re going to begin the ride of your life! Hang on tight!