
Three Vital Relationships

What is the goal of Access Church? Well, we exist to lead people into growing relationships with Jesus Christ. What is a growing relationship?

We believe that a person who is growing in their relationship with Jesus Christ is someone who is pursuing intimacy with God, community with insiders, and influence with outsiders.

Intimacy with God
includes regular private and corporate worship experiences as well as allowing the truth of the Bible to change how you live, specifically…

…as you develop community with insiders. For us, that happens in community groups, but the method isn’t as important as recognizing that we need other people around us in safe, authentic relationships in which we can discuss our faith, God’s Word, and how it relates to our…

influence with outsiders. We aren’t called to be separate from the world, but to relate to everyone around us with such grace and love that they want to know and worship the same God we do.

These relationships are vital and interdependent. Imagine how God would be honored if everyone reading this blog committed to pursue these three relationships equally and with vigor!