Volunteer Dinner – Great Fun!
As most of you know, asking me about Access Church is like asking a grandmother to show you pictures of her grandchildren. I am so excited about what God is doing in our midst I can go on and on with stories of lives being changed and people re-prioritizing their everyday decisions to put God first.
Many of those people have signed on in the last two years to give their most precious resource (their time) to the mission of Access Church. Last night we had a dinner to celebrate, honor, and cast vision for this incredible group of people.
There was some frivolity, to be sure (note Jeff Hilley to the right, playing the game, “What’s That Funk?” in honor of our dedicated Waumba Land leaders). More than 80 of our 120 volunteers were able to be there, and you know what—we really enjoy each other!
There were some important reminders as well. Here are a few for those that couldn’t make it:
- You haven’t signed up for a job. You’ve joined a team that is on a mission!
- Excellence matters. The mission we’re called to is more important than anything we’ve ever done and it’s worth our very best.
- You are not “volunteers” (doing a job), you are “leaders” (on a mission).
- As leaders, we have a responsibility to replace ourselves.
- There is another generation who can’t wait to take our place in making church relevant for their friends. Are we pouring into their cups?
- Are we leading well by communicating well with one another and covering responsibilities? Have you logged into Planning Center recently? Did you know has an incredibly useful iPhone interface?
- The one word we want people to use to describe our church is, “relational.”
- Everything we do is about encouraging and equipping people to pursue three vital relationships: intimacy with God, community with insiders, and influence with outsiders.
- We believe the best way to do this is by creating targeted environments. We refer to these as Foyer, Living Room, and Kitchen environments. Learn more here.
Seven Practices of Effective Ministry
Practically Speaking – 7 free mp3 recordings of Andy Stanley and Reggie Joiner discussing the practices that drive our organization.
Thank you, Access Leaders, for all you do!