Was it a Success?
Our out-of-town friends and family have been faithfully praying for a “successful” launch of Access Church. So, now they are all asking, “Was it a success?”
Great question. And that makes us really define “success” for the launch of this baby church. To see lives changed for Jesus Christ is success for us. To see our friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers follow in a growing relationship with God is our mission and our goal as a church.
For our first service, we had one clear goal: to encourage everyone who attended to come back! That meant the music and speaking had to be dead-on, the environments had to be welcoming, the signage clear, the technical aspects complimentary, the children safe and loved. While we have room to improve, I think those goals were accomplished. Eddie Kirkland and the band were naturals at leading worship, the kids environments were top-notch, and in spite of having to share the building (that will not happen every week), I think everyone was able to find their way around and enjoy the experience.
Andy’s message was one of the best presentations I have ever heard about how God pursues us and desires to re-connect with rebellious people. On March 18, he’ll continue with “Everybody is Included”—an incredible message about what the church is really supposed to be…a place more concerned with reaching people than keeping people. It is a great message that defines the goals of our church, and is the message that inspired our church name. See you then!