Welcome, Abby Weiss!

We are so excited to welcome Abby Weiss as our new UpStreet Groups Director! Abby began serving with us in September, and she is passionate about leading kids at Access Church into a growing relationship with Jesus.

Abby grew up in River Falls, Wisconsin, where Main Street had two stoplights and everyone knew everyone. Her family was Catholic, and she attended a Catholic school from pre-school to 8th grade. She first decided to follow Jesus in middle school at summer camp. But when she got home, she returned to her old ways of trying to fill the hole in her heart with things and people other than Jesus.

 “I was stuck in a sinking hole that felt so isolating and lonely,” she said. “I couldn’t figure out why I felt so empty walking through middle and high school. I didn’t know Jesus was chasing after me and wanted to have an intimate relationship with me.” 

When it came time to think about colleges, Abby decided to apply to only one school: Grand Canyon University, a Christian college in Phoenix. “I, a girl from small-town Wisconsin, was setting out West where I knew no one in hopes that I would find the Lord and fall in love with Him.”

Jesus did draw Abby into an intimate relationship with him, but not in the way she expected. About two months into college she received a call that her parents were very sick and her dad was in the hospital. A few days later, her mom was also admitted. While still in Phoenix, she received the call that her dad had passed away. Abby flew home, where her mom was still in the hospital. 

“The whole month of November was the hardest month of my life,” she said. “I wrestled with God asking Him why, but all that came out of it was me face down at His feet begging Him to clothe me with comfort and peace. And He did! That was when I knew there was a God who loved me and wanted me to pursue Him as He pursued me. Through losing my dad, I came to know the Lord and surrendered to him as my Lord and Savior.”

When she returned to college, Abby switched out of business school to pursue a degree in Christian studies with an emphasis in youth ministry. “After the loss of my dad, the Lord placed a huge passion for His children on my heart, and I took a step of obedience. I started volunteering in youth ministry and loved every minute of it.”

In 2023 Abby went on a mission trip to Zambia where she poured into families and kids and taught them about Jesus. This past summer she worked at a youth camp in Texas for seven weeks and had a blast walking through 1 John with 8th- and 9th-grade girls. 

“I love discipling and walking alongside kids,” she said. “It isn’t easy growing up and having so many questions, but understanding Jesus’ love for you and walking on His firm foundations makes growing up a little easier.”

After college Abby moved to St. Johns to be near her family. Abby’s sister lives here with her family, and Abby’s mom moved to the area a little over a year ago. 

Abby is thrilled to be part of Access Church! “When looking into Access and seeing the mission and the heart behind the ministry, I was in,” she said. “I am excited to be a part of a mission that is FOR the people of our community. I’m pumped to walk with these kids and be a part of their lives, showing them how cool it is to depend on the Lord.”

In her free time, Abby loves going to the beach, coffee shops, and antique stores. She also loves playing pickleball, running, and fishing, and she once caught a five-foot shark! She loves her family, claiming that they are the best people ever. She loves her “big baby” pit bull mix, Bubba. And most importantly, she loves Jesus!
