Welcome, Hal Henry, UpStreet Production Director
If you step into the UpStreet large-group environment on a Sunday morning, several things become evident: we believe the Bible should never be boring, worship can be really loud, and Sundays should be fun. You will see the UpStreet Production Team working to leverage every minute they have to make truth memorable. In the middle of it all, you’ll find Hal Henry helping make it happen. Over the years the Henry family has been an integral part of UpStreet at Access Church, and we’re excited to welcome Hal to our Access staff as our UpStreet Production Director.
Invited to Access by neighbors in 2009, Hal and Hope Henry were drawn in by the music and practical teaching they heard. “I can’t tell you how many times I said to Hope that I felt like Andy was talking directly to me,” Hal said. “My kids asking me to take them to church was just icing on the cake. Not only were Justine and Joe having fun, the things they were learning were coming home with them.”
The Henrys wanted to be a part of making this happen for other families, so they began to volunteer at Access. They loved that Justine and Joe were getting to serve through Student Impact as well. “For our children to be able to see the positive effect of their service to others at such a young age has helped to shape them in ways that will stay with them forever,” Hal said.
Hal is passionate about the way the large- and small-group environments in UpStreet work together to lead kids into a growing relationship with Jesus. “As a production team, we introduce the “Big Idea” through games, music, and storytelling so that small-group leaders can then reinforce it through meaningful and intentional conversations,” he said. “Then kids can take these truths home, and families can continue to engage them.”
Hal sees his role as Upstreet Production Director as an opportunity to use the platform of large-group environment to serve small-group leaders and families. “Hope and I have been so blessed as parents to have had small-group leaders partner along side of us and give us real life tools to reinforce these truths in our kids at home. If I can use my time to set up a small-group leader for success, then I would say that is time well spent.”
High energy and excellence are the standards Hal strives to reach in every UpStreet large-group environment. Kids never know what surprises are in store on any given morning on UpStreet, except that it will be fun and memorable. Hal takes “fun and memorable” very seriously. He will tell you how thankful he is to be a part of a team that works so hard on this. “You never know when someone could be hearing the message of the love of Jesus for the very first time,” he said. “Knowing that we have been called to change lives and families for generations to come is a huge responsibility, and I am thankful I have been given this opportunity.”
We are thankful for Hal and the whole Henry family! We’re excited about what is ahead for UpStreet and the impact it will have in St. Johns. If you are interested in becoming a part of this team of leaders committed to making the truth memorable, Hal would love to talk to you!