We're Meeting This Sunday
Yeah, I know, you didn’t think we had church on the fourth Sunday of the month. Well, we don’t. Yet. But we can still be the church!
As a part of the landscape of the Jacksonville community, we want to be more than just another gathering. We want to move out from these walls and into the streets and serve the needs of our community. We have created the Intersect Project as our vehicle to serve Jacksonville.
JT Townsend was paralyzed while playing high school football in Jacksonville on October 4, 2005. He and his family will be moving into a home that is fully accessible to JT with his disabilities. To make this move possible, they need to make repairs to their current home and put it on the market.
This Sunday, May 25, we will be partnering with the Townsend family to paint, landscape, install flooring and appliances, and perform general repairs. Our hope is to share the love of Jesus Christ in a tangible way and help them sell their home.
Space on this Intersect Project Team is limited. You can register by contacting Adam. There is a $10 registration fee to help cover costs of supplies and lunch while serving. We’ll start at 9:00am sharp on Sunday and work through lunch (or stay as long as you like!). Directions will be emailed to you once you’ve registered.
You might also want to invite a friend to join us as we see where God, our community, and our church intersect on May 25.