Happy Birthday!

Tomorrow is a really special day for Access Church, because it was one year ago this weekend that we held our first public worship service. We had no idea what God was going to do through this church, and have been so thrilled with the energy and excitement that has surrounded this group of people.…

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Hell Bound (Not)

Right down the road Chris Elrod is leading Compass Point Church in Lakeland, FL. The other day he posted this great story about the win, and I lifted it from his blog to share here: This is Pete. Pete has smoked since he was teenager. Pete struggled most of his life with alcohol. Pete used…

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An Unscheduled Tribute

I interrupt my regular blogging schedule to bring you some exciting news. Larry Norman, who is widely attributed with contemporizing Christian music in the late 60s and early 70s, is now worshiping his saviour face-to-face. Larry went home to heaven on yesterday morning. Larry was a pioneer, disruptive to the Church, and we’ve all been…

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What's Your Name? (All-Skate)

People from Florida are called ‘Floridians’. People from Georgia, ‘Georgians’. People from Michigan, ‘Michiganders.’ People from Canada? Well, they’re just ‘Cold.’ (Love ya’, Carey.) Elevation Church calls their attenders Elevators. I love that. It’s clever, and communicates clearly their life purpose—to elevate the name of God. So, my dilemma. What to call the people of…

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Sunday Morning and I'm Not Going to Church

It’s Sunday morning, and I’m not going to church. It’s not that I don’t like church. I do. I love the music and relevant message, and I mostly love the people. Oh, and my kids are crazy about Waumba Land and UpStreet. But the church community I’m a part of only meets twice a month.…

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Salt, anyone?

Paul said, “Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.” I love that! Full of grace, seasoned with salt. So yes, truth (salt) and grace go together, but…

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In 2006, just before we moved here from Alpharetta, we attended DRIVE. As we left, I kept thinking, “Man, I wish the whole Jacksonville team could have been here for this!” Well, now you can. DRIVE will be held again May 5-7 at North Point, and you can be there! There is no other event…

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Three Shadows of the Passion

Andy Stanley leads us into the season of Lent with a study of three lesser-known but significant characters in the Easter story. Part of understanding the bright light of Sunday morning is learning to appreciate the dark human condition that conspired to murder Jesus Christ. Join us at the University of North Florida this Sunday…

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Worship Leader Roundup

The corporate worship experience at Access Church just keeps getting better and better! Darin Peckham has been working hard to line up some of the best musicians available. Here are a few names to whet your appetite. Coming soon to Access: Michael JohnstonEddie KirklandJen & Jon CarrozzaJohnnySwimScott ColemanMichael Olson We’ll also have Louie Giglio bringing…

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A Generous Church

Before coming home to Jacksonville, I spent one additional day at Buckhead Church attending some meetings about developing a culture of generosity in our church. It was incredibly provoking, especially following on the heels of our decision to begin giving 2% of our Sunday offerings to our strategic partner in Merida, Mexico. There’s no doubt…

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