Experience lasting impact on a globalX trip!

Applications are now open for our Summer 2025 globalX trip to Costa Rica with 6:8 Ministries! The trip will take place July 21-28, and we’d love to have you join us. When Mike Carlton decided that he and his 14-year-old daughter, Katie, would join our 2022 globalX trip to Costa Rica, he was hopeful that…

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Welcome, Abby Weiss!

We are so excited to welcome Abby Weiss as our new UpStreet Groups Director! Abby began serving with us in September, and she is passionate about leading kids at Access Church into a growing relationship with Jesus. Abby grew up in River Falls, Wisconsin, where Main Street had two stoplights and everyone knew everyone. Her…

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Welcome, Gabe Ervin!

We are so excited to welcome Gabe Ervin as our new UpStreet Production Director! Gabe began serving with us in June, and he is passionate about leading kids at Access Church into a growing relationship with Jesus. Gabe is a Jacksonville native and is the youngest of four boys in a family of parents devoted…

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The Quinones Family

Making Friends, Growing in Faith & Living With Purpose. Just one year ago, the Quinones family was looking for a Christian community where kids and parents could grow in faith together. Having been a part of both traditional church and house church experiences, Elliott and Miranda hadn’t found the right fit. Miranda remembers, “We felt…

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The Valentine Family – Parenting Toward Faith

Kurt and Shannon Valentine both grew up in a relationship with Jesus Christ, but as their lives became increasingly hectic with demanding careers and young children, they found themselves drifting away from their faith.  “We were trying to carry our heavy loads all alone,” they explain. “Over time, this left us feeling depleted and void…

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The Andrews Family – Friends & Faith

Kate and Rob Andrews and their son, Jake, started attending Access in October 2017 when a friend invited them. The Andrews had recently moved back to the Jacksonville area because of Rob’s job. Jake was about to start high school when they moved, and they wanted to find a church where they could meet people…

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The Hall Family – “All In”

Elizabeth Hall attended church with her grandparents as she grew up, and she committed her life to Christ at a church camp when she was 12. Similarly, Rick Hall went to church with friends while growing up, putting his faith in Jesus at the age of 11, but neither went to church once they moved…

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Meet Kyal and Shana Rector

Kyal and Shana Rector are familiar with the task of finding a church in a new area. They have been through the process before. Their military background has moved them all over the United States. But a career change placed them in the St. Johns area, and they found themselves once again looking for a church.

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The Hamilton Family – Changing Expectations

Angie and Shane Hamilton thought they knew church. They both grew up attending church and had tried various churches off and on as adults. “It was boring, and I felt I had to change my life to be a part of it,” Shane said. “It just seemed easier not to go.” Angie’s disenchantment began as…

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