Starting Point

Growing up, I was one of those kids in church every time the doors were open. I went to Sunday School and learned about David and Goliath and Jonah and the whale, and even memorized a silly little song about Father Abraham that I still remember today! Some of you reading this are thinking, “I…

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Point of Decision

This week at Access Church, Andy Stanley will begin a challenging new three-part series called, “Verdict.” If you have ever doubted the authenticity of the Bible, or wondered if Jesus was a real person, this series is for you! If you’ve questioned how much of “real” Christianity has survived the past 2,000 years, you’ll resonate…

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Stellar Quote

I’ve been listening to the new Casting Crowns album and there’s a great quote in the song, “What This World Needs.” People aren’t confused by the gospel. They’re confused by us. Jesus is the only way to God, but we are not the only way to Jesus. That’s powerful. Sometimes we get so hung up…

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Part-time Student Ministry Opening

Because we love and are committed to teenagers and their families, Access is taking another big step by launching our student ministry this fall. To do this with excellence, we plan to hire staff dedicated just to middle school and high school students and their leaders. We are looking for someone who is passionate about…

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GroupLife Preview – September 9th at 6:00pm

Because this is our last Group Life Preview, the Beaches Group and the SouthSide group will combine forces. Both groups will meet this Sunday at Ben & Audrey Habeck’s home! For the last few months people have been getting a taste of what GroupLife is all about while meeting new people in their area of…

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New Partnerships

Know friends or family in cities like Auburn, Charlotte, Pittsburgh, or Toronto? These are just a few of the cities about to experience killer environments designed to attract “missing persons” (a phrase from Jim Henderson’s book, Evangelism Without Additives), courtesy of new North Point partners. There are now 15 partners either already holding services or…

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Open Seats at Optimal Times

This weekend is a pretty exciting weekend in the growth of Access Church. We’re taking two very important steps at once: moving to morning services, and adding a second service. This is really cool for these reasons: Studies show that those trying church for the first time are most likely to attend a service on…

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New Opportunities

We’re about to begin a new chapter in the life of Access Church! These early months have been key to building a base of “involved” people–those who are willing to pray, serve, give, and invite. The next steps are significant. In the next few months we will begin worshipping in the morning add a second…

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Our staff is headed back to Jacksonville today after three days at North Point learning from the best & brightest about developing irresistible environments designed to encourage people in their growing relationship with Jesus Christ. Our meetings were part of n*rich, an annual event for North Point Partner staff teams. This was my second n*rich,…

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Moving to Mornings!

Wow! Can you believe it?? Access Church has had its last evening service! Our upcoming services will be in the morning on September 2, with Andy Stanley delivering a great message called, “Opened Hands.” Services are still at UNF in the Fine Arts Center, at 9:30am and 11:15am. Waumba Land (birth through pre-K) will be…

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