Doing Life… Together.

Some of us are already reflecting on 2009 and thinking about changes we’d like to make for 2010. If you aren’t meeting weekly with a group of of people who encourage you and challenge you, why not make that a key priority for 2010? Few things could improve your quality of life more. Michael &…

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Not-So-Silent Night

Join us December 23, at 7:00pm, for a community Christmas celebration at the University of North Florida. Childcare is provided for children aged six-weeks to five-years-old. Elementary-aged children are welcome to join us in the 45-minute service. Andy Stanley will be sharing, “The Christmas Story,” and we invite you to stay after the service for…

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North Point Live: Awake

North Point Music released a new CD today on iTunes. Featuring North Point (and Access Church) worship leaders like Todd Fields, Eddie Kirkland, and Steve Fee, you want to pick this up right away! In fact, I’m listening to it right now. If you’re a bit old fashioned and like to hold the shiny disc…

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What's the Worst?

What’s the worst thing someone might say about your church? Recently, a few people were overheard in conversation about our church. Several positive things were said. One person, however, threw out this objection, “I mean, they even have, like, atheists going there!” So what do you think? Is that a bad thing? What would you…

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Thankful for You

As our staff has looked back on 2009 and all that God has done, I couldn’t help but share recently at Access Church some of the successes of the past year and the challenge that’s ahead of us. Please take a moment and listen to this four-minute message. .

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December Financial Update

When we launched in March 2007, Access Church was supported only by eight local families with a vision and a generous loan from North Point Ministries. It was a risk, but we believed that Jacksonville needed a church for everybody. Less than three years later, 80 more families and singles have joined us finanically to…

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Thank You

Dear Accessibles, I am so grateful for you. Grateful for the 15 people that began by praying together on Sunday evenings. You had no staff, no backing from North Point, no certainty of the future. Still, you met month after month to pray and ask God to do something amazing in our city. Thank you…

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North Point Gains Approval to Build Bridge

After nine years of planning and proposals, North Point has gotten approval from the City of Alpharetta, Georgia State University, the North American Mission Board, and the Corps of Engineers to build a 1,000 foot, three-lane bridge connecting the Alpharetta, GA campus to Old Milton Road. This is significant because the Alpharetta campus typically hosts…

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Taking Our Pulse, Part 3

I began this series a few weeks ago by talking about the four questions we ask when taking the pulse of Access Church. The first relates to prayer–submitting our hearts to God. The second relates to giving–submitting our money to God. Ask these questions with me: Do we understand that all we have comes from…

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