Posts by Rich Barrett
Route 66 – Destinations Opener
We’re in the middle of a super-fun and practical series at Access Church right now called, “Destinations.” It’s chock-full of amazingly powerful truths right out of the Bible. Really. Life-changing stuff. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t start things off with a little fun, does it? Here’s a clip of our series opener. Stay…
Read MoreNorth Point Online North Point Online Promo from John on Vimeo. .
Read MoreFinancial Update
You can’t turn on the TV these days or strike up a front-yard conversation with a neighbor without spending some time discussing the economy. The current state of our nation’s finances is affecting us on every level—in our personal and business finances, and at church, also. In the midst of these tough times, I have…
Read MoreVolunteer Dinner – Great Fun!
As most of you know, asking me about Access Church is like asking a grandmother to show you pictures of her grandchildren. I am so excited about what God is doing in our midst I can go on and on with stories of lives being changed and people re-prioritizing their everyday decisions to put God…
Read MoreVolunteer Dinner – June 16
All volunteers: Join us June 16 at the UNF University Center! If you’re a new volunteer, or planning to sign up this week, you are just in time for one of my favorite events of the year! It’s a great night to have some laughs and meet each other, as well as focus our attention…
Read MoreJR & Lisa Ekern
We met J.R. & Lisa Ekern the first day we moved to Jacksonville. In fact, they had us over for dinner that evening and our families went trick-or-treating together that night. So, of course, when we had the “On Location” Sunday back in March, we included them in our neighborhood cookout. A day or two…
Read MoreAre You Involved?
Sunday before last Adam Flynt, our pastor for Family Ministry, asked a great question: “What if your life wasn’t about doing more, but about counting for more?” So often life, and our calendars, seem to run out in front of us, leaving us to run as fast as we can to catch up. We get…
Read MoreWhy Worry Concludes with, "Anxiety"
We had a lot of fun kicking off this past Sunday’s service with “Anxiety,” by The Black-Eyed Peas. Guest-rapper Lamar helped us out and added a ton of energy to the room. It was a great day to be reminded by Andy that we often forget about God’s past faithfulness, because we are too concerned…
Read MoreStephen Colbert: Apologist?
I never thought I’d put those words together, but Stephen Colbert does a pretty good job here of holding his own against yet another critic of the gospels. Clearly, Stephen sees his primary role as that of comic, but nevertheless gets in some pretty good points. The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c…
Read MoreEaster Opener: I Will Rise
We had such a great time celebrating Easter at Access Church last Sunday! It was great to be with so many of you who were first-time guests, invited by friends, co-workers, and family. It was a fun day! In case you missed it, I’ve attached a video of our opening song, with Jeremy Bowser at…
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