GroupLink is This Sunday!

Success at Access Church is defined by how many of us move from large environments into community groups. At Access, the community group is the best place for sustained life change to occur. In community groups, we study the Bible together and discuss the issues and challenges of life. It’s also where we pray, care…

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Road Trip

I’m pretty excited to be speaking at Access tomorrow, and sharing stories of some real-life Accessibles here in in Jacksonville that are living out their faith in the marketplace. Here’s a sneak peak at my notes for tomorrow. Can you see where we’re going with this? Salt. Light. Faith at Work. People. Yeah, we’ll be…

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Are You At Home?

Stephanie and I moved to Jacksonville with no family here and no long-standing friendships. And now, two-and-a-half-years later, we call this town home. No question about it. That’s because of what God’s done in our hearts through Access Church, and more specifically, through our community group. Community Groups are the heartbeat of Access Church. You…

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Daylight Savings!

Don’t forget! Tomorrow is that potentially-embarrassing Sunday when, if you’re not careful, you walk into church an hour late. Ouch. So, set your clocks forward, and look forward to the warm weather this is sure to bring our way. Free tip: You don’t have to stay up until 2:00am for the official start of DST. In…

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Night of Worship – March 12

Access volunteers are the best! Always showing up early and staying late, and putting time in during the week to plan irresistible environments for our guests. One way we want to say thank you this spring is to host a Night of Worship. No kids environments. No set-up and tear-down. Just book a babysitter and…

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Bit Market

Below is a useful case study I came across on Dave Smith’s blog. Dave got it from Greg Teselle, and who knows where Greg found it. Nevertheless, it’s extremely provocative for the church: In management circles the story is often told of the CEO who took over a 100-year-old company manufacturing drill bits, which was…

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Who's in Your Dryer?

In our early years, when life is changing and new experiences await us at every turn, purpose usually doesn’t show up on our radar. We’re much more concerned with who, what, and where to stop and consider the why. But at some point this question rises to the forefront, often due to discontentment with the…

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Two Years! Awesome Celebration!

What a fun day! If you couldn’t be at Access Church yesterday, I’m truly sorry. We had a great time remembering God’s goodness, celebrating what God might have in store for us, and focusing on his purpose for where we are right now. Tenth Avenue North led worship, which was followed by an amazing cookout…

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Evaluating Access

Today I was reviewing my notes from last year’s n*rich, an annual gathering of North Point Strategic Partnership staff. During one of the sessions, David McDaniel laid out some best practices for strategic partnerships. He said the best partnerships: 1. Have the best staff teams and volunteer teams.2. Have instilled a culture of generosity.3. Assimilate…

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Right Where You Are

Standing on a hillside, Jesus gave the followers who had assembled to hear him a unique label. A label that would explain what their purpose was for being on this earth, and one that is as applicable to his followers today as it was then. Discover what that label is and how it impacts how…

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