Life Change Is the Best

Baptism is one of our favorite things to do around here because it’s a tangible example of the life change happening here at Access Church. If you’re ready to take this step, start here. All of you who partner with us by serving and giving, you make these kinds of stories possible.  

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ICYMI: Inviting Pays Off

Last Sunday, Rich spoke about how powerful it can be to invite someone to join you at church. To conclude the message, we shared the stories of several families whose direction has been changed because someone invited them to Access Church. You can be part of someone’s story too. Invite them to spend #EasterWithUs! [vimeo video_id=”160275188″…

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Because He Lives

[vimeo video_id=”124933835″ width=”650″ height=”366″ title=”No” byline=”No” portrait=”No” autoplay=”No” loop=”No” color=”00adef”]   The pivotal truth about Easter is that Jesus rose from the dead, he was seen and he is alive! On Easter Sunday we closed our service with the song “Because He Lives.” This song encapsulates the significance of Easter and the chorus offers us…

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New Series: Recovery Road

So how’s that 401k looking these days? How ’bout your personal positivity index? Thinking about firing off an email or two to your congressional representative? Already did? Didn’t hear back? If you are like most Americans, you’re wondering what in the heck is going on in Washington. And you’re probably wondering what you’re supposed to do while…

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New Series: Time of Your Life

What time is it? Where did all the time go? Does time really fly when you’re having fun? Maybe we think about time so much because there never seems to be enough of it. Maybe there’s only one question we need to ask: What am I doing with my time? Simple question? Easy answer? It’s time you found out. Join…

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Labor Day Retreat

The Singles Labor Day Retreat is an amazing way for singles to have a blast at the beach in beautiful Destin, Florida, while connecting with each other and being challenged spiritually. It’s a weekend of amazing friendships, awesome worship, inspiring teaching, and thought-provoking discussions. It’s attended each year by more than 1,000 singles from the…

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Baptisms This Sunday!

Baptism is an incredible step in the life of a believer. It’s a symbolic time to identify with Jesus Christ and publicly proclaim that we place all of our hope in him alone. Some are intimidated by the idea. Maybe it’s the thought of being in front of a group of people dripping wet. Maybe…

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Fantastic Day!

This past Sunday was one of my favorite at Access. I get excited each Sunday we have church, but today was above and beyond. Here are some of my personal thoughts from the first Sunday of 2008: Our production team blows me away every Sunday. They are some of the most talented people that I…

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More Than We Know

I was so excited to have a chance to bring some of our volunteers up to North Point this weekend. Evan Wright and I got up extra early on Sunday so we could make it to North Point in time for their production meeting and run-through for the morning. On the way in, we stopped…

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