Proximity to Pain

Do you read Seth Godin? If you are in business (for profit or not), you should read Godin. The other day he posted a very simple piece titled, “Proximity to Pain.“ The closer you are to the point of need, the more you can charge. Pizza at the airport costs five times more than pizza…

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Don't Be Late

Beginning this Sunday, June 1, Access Church will be meeting at 9:00 & 10:30am. That’s right, at your request, we’re moving our services earlier in the day. Church in the morning and still time to hit the beach or the lake in the afternoon! Waumba Land will be open for pre-schoolers at both 9:00 &…

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So Very Proud

You can tell the difference, can’t you? You see someone at the store, or the restaurant, or the playground, and they seem kind of annoyed with the whole parenting thing. Like, they want to have kids, they just don’t want to have them 24-hours-a-day! Then you see another parent, and you think, “She/He absolutely loves…

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Strong Foundations

This weekend Stephanie and I are taking the kids down south to spend some time with extended family. We’re even going to spend a day out on the swamp buggy on some family property near Hobe Sound. It’s good to remember where you’re from. In the next couple of weeks, we’re going to talk about…

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We're Meeting This Sunday

Yeah, I know, you didn’t think we had church on the fourth Sunday of the month. Well, we don’t. Yet. But we can still be the church! As a part of the landscape of the Jacksonville community, we want to be more than just another gathering. We want to move out from these walls and…

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Family Exercise

Last night was Chase’s final soccer practice of the season. A favorite last-practice tradition is for the kids (6 & 7 years old) to scrimmage against the parents. It was hilarious, actually, as the kids skillfully dribbled the ball right past much bigger and faster adults. We lost track of the score, but I think…

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Never Too Late

If my dad were still alive, yesterday would have been his 93rd birthday. That surprises a lot of people. When I first tell them, I can see them trying to do the math in their head. I’ll save you the trouble: My dad was 53 years old when I was born. Yeah. “Surprise!” The point…

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A Few Quotes

This last session of DRIVE was pretty unreal. Andy scrapped his “Making Vision Stick” talk and just spoke from his heart. He was ON FIRE! Here are a few quotes I grabbed: “To reach people no one else is reaching, we must do things no one else is doing” —Craig Groshel 300,000 unchurched people within…

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DRIVE Update – Day 1

The other day I mentioned that it’s not our desire to be like North Point. We are North Point. It’s our DNA. Just like you might have gotten your bright blue eyes from your dad, the kind of church that Access is becoming is a direct result of our lineage. So today was a bit…

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Caution: Show Horses

This is only going to be funny for you Brian Regan fans. Everyone else should just look away. Really, this is a very mature group of individuals.

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