DRIVE Registration Closes April 21

Whoa! May sure snuck up on us, didn’t it? I can’t believe that in just a little more than two weeks the Access team will be heading to Atlanta for DRIVE ’08. You are so gonna want to be there. You can meet this guy and this guy and this girl and this guy and…

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Middle Schoolers Wanted

This Sunday, Access launches a new environment. We’re so excited about this! We don’t launch new environments very often, and not without careful planning. This environment is super-cool not because of what we’re doing, but because of who is coming. Xtreme is for middle- and high-school students (together for large-group teaching but divided for small…

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Doing Life Together

Sometimes folks ask me what we do on the Sundays we don’t “have church” at Access. My short answer is that we are busy “being the church.” More on that in some posts next week, about some great things we’ve got planned for our “off” Sundays this summer. But tonight I wanted to show you…

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So Grateful

I’ve spent the better part of the day studying the financials for Access Church, and I am so grateful! When Access began, there were just a few families in Jacksonville that were supporting Access with their God-given dollars. We were largely dependent on visionary giving from those in Atlanta with a passion for creating environments…

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9:00am & 10:30am

The warm summer weather is here, and with that, lots of outdoor Sunday activities. Access recognizes the need to adjust service times accordingly, and beginning June 1, our services will be held at 9:00 & 10:30am. Waumba Land (birth—age 5) will be open at both hours. UpStreet (grades K-5) will be at 10:30am and Xtreme…

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DRIVE '08 – Still have Questions?

Some of you still haven’t registered for DRIVE! Are you crazy? Don’t you know it’s right around the corner on May 5?!?! Maybe it’s because you still have some unanswered questions. Tripp and Tyler got a hold of a microphone at a recent staff meeting and asked Andy the same questions that are probably on…

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Win Stories

Everyone is congratulating Kansas today. That’s great. They put a round ball through a metal hoop a bunch of times last night. But have you seen what the volunteers at Access Church have been doing?? Truly amazing stuff! Part of our staff meeting each Monday involves sharing “win” stories—How we are seeing God at work…

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What's Your Story?

My neighbor Randy always has a great story to tell, and he knows it. He doesn’t hesitate to tell you what happened last weekend or last decade… because it’s good stuff! The other day we saw each other at the gas station, and he’d just come back from hunting wild boar. He told us about…

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