JumpStart – March 21

Our spring JumpStart at Access Church that is just around the corner. Jump Start is an engaging 30-minute presentation where parents and kids learn together about what it means to have faith in Jesus Christ.…

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Salary Caps for CEOs?

There’s been a lot of talk lately about CEO salary caps. I certainly understand the sentiment. It’s hard to believe that someone can receive compensation in the millions of dollars…

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2009 Snapshot

Every successful organization must have clearly defined goals and concrete ways to measure success when those goals are attained. In 2009 Access Church moved into a new worship facility and…

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Road Trip, Anyone?

If you have ever wanted to experience North Point Community Church for yourself, and get a behind-the-scenes tour, join us for Sundays @ North Point! You will attend a worship…

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Help Haiti

The need in Haiti right now is great. This Sunday at Access, we’ll be directing you to give through two organizations we know and trust, Compassion International and Samarian’s Purse..

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GroupLink This Sunday!

Success at Access Church is defined by how many of us move from large environments into community groups. At Access, the community group is the best place for sustained life…

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Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! Here’s a sample of our Not-So-Silent Night. Thanks for inviting so many of your family, friends, and co-workers. And thanks to all the great volunteers who made 2009…

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2009 is in The Bag!

Not-So-Silent Night was incredible. Thank you for leveraging your influence with family and friends and inviting them to be a part of what God is doing through Access Church! Years…

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Little Drummer Boy

If you wonder how we celebrate Christmas at Access Church, here’s a little taste. And if you’ve not yet made plans to be at Not-So-Silent Night tomorrow night… Figure it…

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Praying Big?

I just intercepted this email from Stephanie as she was sending it to some friends: Rich just told me Accessibles have invited 1,670 people to Not-So-Silent Night on Facebook alone!…

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